From the Don Bosco Youth Centers Confederation of Spain, through its second ‘Pasaporte 0,0’ campaign, they make available to those who need it different materials for the prevention and work with young people and adolescents of some addictions, in this case smoking.
On this occasion, in addition to the materials and information, and in the training key of recent months, two webinars were proposed, aimed at both technical and animation teams in which the current context of consumption of tobacco, the importance of the prevention of consumption in adolescents and the possible applications of these materials.
The first webinar “Presentation of the Passport 0.0 materials for the prevention of tobacco consumption in adolescents” took place on Friday, May 7, with María Méndez and Esperanza Jiménez, project technicians from the Confederation and those responsible for Passport 0.0 . In it, the various resources available to the campaign were presented, which are already available on the program’s website, and how they can be used in the day-to-day activities.
The second meeting, in a formative key, “The consumption of tobacco and the current context. The importance of preventing tobacco use in adolescents ”was held on Saturday, May 8, and was given by Gema Aonso, a researcher at the Department of Psychology at the University of Oviedo, specializing in smoking and behavior in people with use disorders of substances. This webinar can be viewed again on the Don Bosco Confederation YouTube channel.
Worrying situation in young people
Tobacco use among young people is highly normalized and culturally accepted. However, it is still a drug with a large number of harmful effects on physical and mental health.
The average age of initiation of consumption is located at 14.1 years. Tobacco is very present in the free time and in the social relationships of young people. 44% of girls and 38.2% of boys between 14 and 18 years old have tried tobacco at some point in their life. 9.8% of adolescents in this age group smoke daily (9.4% of boys and 10.3% of girls), according to data from the National Plan on Drugs and the Ministry of Health. These figures place Spain at the forefront of the European Union as a nation where young people start smoking first.
Pasaporte 0,0
It is an information and awareness program on addictions led by the Don Bosco Confederation. The main objective of this program is to fight against addictions in minors through prevention and education.
As an attractive and innovative element, an app for mobile phones and tablets has been created. It is an educational tool that provides information on the consequences of addictions and empowers adolescents in the face of group pressure, working on positive aspects related to the person and promoting healthy leisure alternatives.
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